How To Get Out Of A Rut


How To Get Out Of A Rut


Feb 03, 2023

This article is for you if you're at a place in your life where you feel stagnant.

I was meditating this morning using the Calm app as usual and today's daily meditation struck a cord with me. The narrator used one of Einstein's famous quotes to bring some perspective on ways in which we can get stuck.

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results."

I have been feeling stuck for awhile in this place in my life. It feels as though nothing is exciting or progressing forward. I can spend my time reading, travelling, exercising, going outdoors and an infinite amount activities that are supposed to help with emotion regulation and health but nothing is working. I feel like I am at a standstill. So as I always do, I started researching ways to unstuck myself. If you are in the same boat keep reading.

National Backwards Day

January 31st was National Backwards Day and my meditation that day spoke about how it reminded the narrator of the character George Costanza in the show Seinfeld. Nothing was going right in his life so in one episode he just decided to do everything the opposite and surprisingly everything went in his favour.

This got me thinking that my behaviour for always wanting to "fix" myself may have put me in this rut. I am always striving to be better and I approach it very similarly every time. I create strict routines and habit trackers and schedules but maybe it's time to shake things up.

On National Backwards day I did some things differently to help gain some new perspective. For example, I have been having a really hard time working at home and convinced myself I can only work if I go to coffee shops but today I am writing this article at home. I am able to actually do this because normally I jump into my home clothes right after my workout but this day I had not changed. I went against my instincts and stayed in my "outside clothes" (someone please tell me y'all also classify your clothes like this) and this helped my mind think differently simply because I felt a little uncomfortable.

We fall into the same routines and habits and changing something as little as wearing our outside clothes in our homes can change our mindset. For you maybe you're in a rut of checking your phone first thing in the morning and it gives you a major headache by noon. The one small thing you could do in this case is not check your phone for the first hour or two of the day no matter how much you want to. Or another hack I saw recently on Tiktok was someone with ADHD buy sneakers for inside the house which is kinda crazy yes, however because it feels abnormal and almost uncomfortable you're able to think and do things differently.

Active Change

Sometimes little changes aren't enough when life feels stagnant. Maybe your career feels lacklustre or you and your partner have become too comfortable in your routine and life feels boring. Here are opportunities to make big changes to help move past this period of stagnation.

When I say make big changes it could be career related such as taking a new marketing approach to your business, or even switching out your day to day routine with your partner. Maybe y'all play hooky and take a day off from work to spend time with one another or plan a spontaneous trip or super romantic date that happens only in movies. If you feel like your friend group has drifted apart during covid or moved away and life seems dull, maybe it's time to join a club that you're interested in or get out of the house more to meet new people.

Big changes inspire new growth, so whether it's applying for a new job or going out somewhere new for the weekend instead of the same sticky club y'all always go to, these changes will bring new and fresh energy into your lives.

Be Delusional

This is my favourite activity of all time, I freaking love being delusional ( I am aware it's bizarre) but this is one of the ways I have massively changed my life. I think doing insane things that push you out of your comfort zone make you feel human again instead of another cog in the machine. We all do our chores, go to work, get the groceries, eat , sleep and repeat but honestly after awhile of this, it gets very draining. It reminds me of that one episode of Spongebob Squarepants where Squidward gets in a rut doing the same things over and over. If you remember episode you'll probably remember how unhappy and stagnant in his life he was.

Which is why I am suggesting you do something insane. It doesn't necessarily have to be that you booking surfing lessons or go skydiving. Maybe you're someone who never leaves the house after 9pm or hates waking up early. In these cases maybe you should find a buddy and go on a night walk somewhere nice, or wake up really early and go to a spot to watch the sunrise. Don't say I am being corny because honestly the best things in life are corny.

I am not saying do something dumb or dangerous but maybe just something thrilling that makes you feel alive. For me I get a lot of social anxiety but despite this I am always nudging myself forward with self kindness and ease to talk to new people and join classes and put myself in social situations because that's the only way I will grow.

I truly believe the comfort zone is where dreams go to die, so don't let them die.

I hope you are able to take something away from this, I know these little tricks definitely help me. I have to much more to share and I love hearing feedback so whether you love or hate this article I would be delighted in knowing. If you have any suggestions on what you want to read from me next please feel free to message me on instagram @lovefromsimran.

